A WARNING has been sent out to East Lancashire families not to get into bad debt during the run up to Christmas.

Money experts believe the amount of credit available is tempting people into taking on more debt than they can afford.

Val Forshaw, senior adviser at Blackburn Council's advice centre, in Ainsworth Street, sent out the warning.

She said: "People can take on a few credit card agreements for £5 or £10 a week, but when they add up all the payments, they realise they can't afford to pay the full amount.

"If people really do need to buy on credit they should shop around for the best deal.

"Interest charges on credit can vary greatly and the weekly payments may be more than the person can afford to spend."

Staff are on hand to give financial help and assistance with sorting out debts.

A self-help pack is also available containing useful leaflets and contact numbers.

Anyone wanting more information should contact the advice centre on 01254 583350.

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