A NEW outdoor classroom is being created as part of a £300,000 sponsorship deal between the cable company Nynex and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

Youngsters from Barden Junior School, Burnley, went to the launch of the new community conservation campaign at Byerden Holme Park, attended by Burnley MP Peter Pike.

They laid the foundations of a new landscaped arena within the park, which will have a seating area and will be used as a meeting place and an outdoor classroom.

Nynex has agreed to sponsor BTCV for three years.

Burnley Wildlife project officer Carrie Poskitt said: "Last year we asked local people what they would like to see in Byerden Holme Park and this led to the creation of the pond.

"The outdoor classroom and seating area was another idea."

"Over the coming weeks, many different groups will be helping with the scheme that will eventually include new footpaths, a sensory garden and more planting in the pond. It will be a peaceful refuge for people and wildlife right in the heart of Burnley."

Nynex executive director Allen Saunders said: "Environmental conservation is one of our highest priorities and Nynex is delighted to be able to support environmental initiatives.

"This campaign is our opportunity to invest further in communities and help them to improve their environment."

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