BLACKBURN Rovers players have snubbed the launch of a charity single in aid of student hostage Paul Wells.

Paul's father Bob, of Bracken Close, Blackburn, issued a request through the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for a player to attend an event marking the release of the Spare A Thought single today.

But the players, who make numerous personal appearances, said they were unable to support the single, proceeds of which will go to the Hostages In Kashmir Campaign.

This week alone Rovers players have agreed to appear at the launch of the Red Cross Charity, the police anti drink-drive campaign, Knuzden Youth FC presentation night and the opening of a new betting shop. But Commercial Director Ken Beamish said it was the team's decision.

"There is no club pressure for them to attend. If the players are occupied elsewhere, there is not much we can do."

The single will raise money to allow the hostages' families to visit Kashmir in search of clues and provide intensive counselling for the men in the event of their release.

Fellow hostage Keith Mangan's hometown side Middlesbrough FC has donated two tickets for every remaining game at the Riverside Stadium to the campaign.

The charity single can be bought or ordered from record shops throughout the country from today and was due to be officially launched at the Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street London.

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