AS Christmas approaches, may I draw your attention to the caring work of the Salvation Army among those less fortunate than ourselves?

At Christmas time, we provide food parcels for the needy, elderly and lonely, toys for needy children and Christmas Day meals and festivities at many of our centres for those who would otherwise be alone.

Our resources are stretched to the limit at Christmas, but our caring work goes on every day of the year.

As the largest provider of social services next to the State, our total work is a vast undertaking. In the North West alone we have 16 residential social work centres catering for homeless men, women, young people and the elderly. We also have 90 corps (church) centres offering a range of services and facilities in the community in which they operate. Financing all this work is very difficult and would be impossible without the generous support of people like yourself. Can I please ask that you consider our needs and do what you can to help.

Gifts of food and toys etc would be warmly welcomed at any of our centres as listed in the telephone directory.

Thank you in anticipation of your help, and may the festive season be a happy and blessed one for you all.

CAPTAIN ROBERT RUSSELL, Public Relations Director, Dept C20, The Salvation Army, 80 Eccles New Road, Salford

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