WANDERLUST, the travel bug, itchy feet - call it what you like, but Linda Greenway's got it!

The intrepid traveller has seen most of the world - 49 countries to be exact - not a bad accomplishment for a 31-year-old.

The Lytham woman has visited some of the most remote countries in the world including the dense mountainous jungles of Peru and the exotic tropical beaches of Fiji.

Linda got the travel bug when she was in her early twenties.

She began working in London and soon found holiday jobs in Jersey and Italy before joining cruise ships which took her all over the world.

But her most harrowing experience, which is also the one which changed her life, was her trek to the jungles of Bolivia.

It was while she was there that Linda got very ill with a fever. A local man, her tour guide, recommended her to take tree shavings in the form of a drink to help cure her.

To her amazement, she recovered completely.

From this point on, Linda decided there was a lot to be said for natural remedies and since returning home to the UK has set up her own homeopathy business.

One of the remedies which Linda swears by is from a giant woody vine originating in the Peruvian rainforest which helps the immune and digestive systems.

Now Linda has a wide range of natural products which she says can help all manner of ailments and she is also studying aromatherapy at college.

If anyone is interested in learning more about natural herbal remedies they can contact Linda on 736831.

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