JUST A YEAR after teenager Stephen Lightbown was paralysed in an accident he is motoring ahead with his life.

During those difficult 12 months the brave football fanatic has achieved more than he ever imagined - he's even passed his driving test!

Stephen lost the use of his legs in a tragic sledging accident last January in Darwen's Bold Venture Park. He spent six months recovering in a spinal unit at a Southport hospital, sitting six GCSEs during his rehabilitation, before returning to his home in Sough Road, Darwen, to be reunited with his brothers James and Jonathon and mum Sue.

Now the 17-year-old is busy studying for A levels in government and politics, communication studies and geography at Turton College - and he is setting his sights on university.

"I passed my driving test in December," Stephen said. "And I got my own car, a specially-adapted Vauxhall Astra with an automatic gear box and hand controls. It gives me a lot of freedom.

"College is great and I've made loads of new friends. It's strange, because they have only ever known me in a wheelchair and they think nothing of it."

Stephen rarely thinks about the accident. He said: "I tend not to dwell on it too much because it would get me down if I let it. I try to be positive."

The Blackburn Rovers season ticket-holder has also kept up his regular visits to Ewood Park and is trying out a different sport of his own.

"Next week I'll be having trials for a competitive basketball team in Bolton. I've got a new sports-style wheelchair which makes it easier and quicker to get about."

No one can deny the former Darwen Moorland High School pupil's bravery in making a new start - and mum Sue is the first to praise his courage.

"He has been unbelievably brave and selfless," she said. "He's always been positive and refuses to let it get him down. We're all so proud of his achievements."

Friends and relatives helped to raise more than £3,000 for Stephen with several fund-raising events. The money will go towards adapting a larger house that the family are hoping to buy in Darwen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.