A SPECIAL school in Tyldesley is only the second of its kind in the country to be removed from "special measures".

Highfield School has been officially returned to the normal form of management by its governors after Her Majesty's Inspectors decided the quality of educational and care provision had significantly improved.

After an OFSTED inspection in March 1995, the school was considered to have failed to provide satisfactory education for its pupils and was declared to be in need of "special measures" to reach acceptable standards.

By the summer of 1995 an Action Plan had been drawn up and an intensive programme of improvement began.

For the past 18 months, staff, governors, parents, pupils and the LEA have worked extremely hard together to reach targets set for the school.

And it is this team approach that has brought about dramatic improvements in all aspects of the school.

The school has always received regular monitoring from Her Majesty's Inspectors, who have always offered constructive criticism and advice.

Headteacher John McManus paid tribute to the dedication and commitment of all his staff.

He said: "Although it has been a stressful time for all those working at the school, everybody feels satisfied that all the hard work has paid off.

"Staff and pupils have been determined to overcome the problems identified by the original inspection report.

"Having succeeded we are all equally determined to develop the school in to a centre of excellence.

"I am particularly proud of the pupils who have responded magnificently to the challenge."

Wigan Council Education Committee, through its Chairman, Councillor Stuart Shaw, has been very supportive of the school and has put a considerable amount of resources in to helping the school solve its problems.

Director of Education, Bob Clark said: "I am delighted to be able to add my own congratulations to the school.

"It was clear from informal discussions with the Inspector that he was extremely impressed with the quality of education now on offer at Highfield.

"He urged me to use it as an example of good practice, and this I fully intend to do.

"I would like to thank and congratulate all at the school, the headteacher, governors staff and pupils on a truly magnificent effort.

"This achievement is all the more remarkable given that Highfield is only the second special school in the country to be removed from special measures."

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