THE 1997 Mayoral Charity Ball looks set to be Preston's party of the year.

Complete with mystery guest, the sensational Blue Moon Dance Band, and the golden voice of cabaret Robert Young, it's a gala dinner with a taste of everything.

And for the second year, the Preston and Leyland Citizen is sponsoring the Ball, and giving a donation to the Mayor's charity.

Mayor Ron Marshall said: "We are delighted the Citizen is sponsoring it again and grateful to the paper for its generosity."

Citizen editor Naomi Bunting said: "We are very proud to sponsor the Preston Mayor's Ball. It is one of the most prestigous events in the town's calendar."

Councillor Marshall added even he didn't know who the mystery guest would be.

He said: "We are all looking forward to a very successful event and we are hoping that it will raise a lot of money for the inner-city schools in Preston, those which have difficulty fund-raising themselves, as well as for the National Children's Home."

Among the fund-raising highlights will be the auctioning off of the final bottle of Bolinger '45 Champagne from a case purchased for the 1952 Preston Guild celebrations.

And as always come midnight, guests will be holding their breath waiting to hear if they've won the raffle.

But there are plenty of opportunities to be a winner at the Mayor's Ball with an immense tombola dishing out prizes all night long.

Tickets to the Ball are £20, available from the Mayor's secretary at the town hall or by calling 906113.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.