PARENTS have won their battle to fence off a 12ft pond which nearly claimed the life of a two-year-old girl.

Little Charlotte Collinson was plucked to safety just in time after chasing ducks into the pond outside her home at Millersgate, Cottam.

Her narrow escape prompted 50 families to sign a petition calling for warning signs and safety fences around the ponds.

Now the Commission for New Towns, which owns the land, has agreed to fence off the pond outside the Collinson's home and carry out a safety review of the whole area after meeting with local councillors and parents.

Charlotte's mother Karen said she and husband Graham were delighted that pressure has finally paid off.

But she added: "We won't stop until all ponds are fenced off and there are warning signs.

"It really is dangerous. When there was snow on the ground you couldn't see where the ponds were at all and some of them are very deep."

Preston councillors Marie Milne and George Wilkins, who have campaigned with the families, hailed the decision a victory for common sense.

Councillor Milne said: "There has already been one near tragedy and it is important something is done before there is another."

Cottam has seven ponds owned by CNT, two next to children's play areas.

Michelle Grant of CNT said: "We have agreed to put a low rail around the pond nearest the estate.

"We will also be appointing a safety consultant to look at health and safety aspects of the rest of the ponds and we will undertake whatever work he recommends."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.