POLICE are appealing to the bowling fraternity to be on the lookout for stolen bowls after a second club was broken into within a week.

After thieves cleaned out Queens Park Bowling Club on Sunday, January 26, raiders struck again at the nearby Burnley Road club and stole more than 30 sets of bowls.

In both cases, rare wooden bowls were taken. Shocked members say they cannot be replaced as they are no longer made as standard.

Blackburn Police are appealing to local bowlers to be vigilant as they are the most likely targets to be approached to buy back the sets. They also warned the borough's other clubs to be on guard and step up security measures if needed.

Each of the stolen bowls has a numbered disc on one side and the initials BC for Blackburn Council on the other.

Donald Oldham, secretary of Burnley Road Bowling Club, said: "It is the third time we have been broken into over the past 18 months and we have been plagued by vandals for many years."

Det Insp Mike Gradwell said: "It does appear that these two incidents could be linked and we are urging bowlers to be on the lookout while warning other clubs to be cautious. ."

Tom Wilson, head of outdoor activities for Blackburn Council, believes the bowls could already be out of the area.

He said: "There is a very small market for the bowls in Blackburn so I fear that they could already be out of the area. We do have a stock of old bowls so we should be able to replace the stolen ones at each club."

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