A DISABLED ex-soldier who endured the horrors of conflict is being terrorised by a gang of vicious thugs.

Now 42-year-old Sean Dobson has been forced to put his home in Sycamore Avenue, Radcliffe, up for sale because he can no longer cope with the campaign of hate.

"I've shed blood for my country and I deserve better than this," said Mr Dobson, who has spent £10,000 on improving his house only to see it vandalised.

During a two-year reign of terror, the gang have shot air pellets at his house, pushed fireworks and matches through his letterbox, and thrown bricks through his windows .

The teenage thugs struck again last week, kicking and spitting at Mr Dobson and kicking in his front door for the fourth time.

He said: "I can't take much more. It's going to cost around £400 to replace the door, which is a lot of money to find when you are struggling on an Army pension."

He contacted the police but was advised not to respond to the attacks. Mr Dobson joined the Army when he was 17 and earned several campaign medals. But ten years later he was pensioned off after being injured in a grenade explosion.

The police and Bury Council are currently investigating where the gang live and will seek eviction orders if they are council tenants.

He said: "There were eight of us in the Land Rover and I was the only one who survived. You never get over an experience like that."

His legs were smashed to pieces and his ear-drums were perforated. He relies on a walking-stick and a hearing-aid.

But the psychological effects are every bit as severe and he receives medication and counselling for post-traumatic stress.

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