IT was a night to yell 'Yee-Ha', slap your thigh and swing your partner when dance instructors, Keith and Marie Morris held their American Country Western Night on Friday, January 31, supported by your very own Star newspaper.

The couple, who run Silhouette Dance Club in Boundary Road, played host to 650 guests, from as far away as Bath and North Wales, at Sutton Community Leisure Centre. And for just £5 a head all were treated to a fun evening of music, dancing and good food to raise money for charity.

Keith and Marie held special teaching sessions in three popular line dances, Ruby Ruby, Hillbilly Rock, and Crazy Legs, and guests were also entertained by singer Kenny Johnson and his backing band.

Raffle tickets were also sold throughout the evening by a number of volunteers, including Mayor of St Helens Councillor Alex Worth.

All the money raised during the evening will be handed over to the Radio Merseyside Charitable Trust who have promised that at least £1,000 will be put back into St Helens to be divided between the area's special schools.

Keith told the Star: "The evening was a big success and we are already planning to hold another in October. All the guests had a great time - a number of them had never tried line dancing before but by the end of the evening they were joining in with everyone else.

"I would also like to offer our thanks to Sutton Community Leisure Centre who did a wonderful job fitting us all in. The catering and bar staff were also magnificent - there was hardly any waiting for drinks and hot food was available throughout the night. The hall was also very well decorated and our thanks go to Penkford Nursery for providing the decorative flowers."

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