VANDALS have destroyed a century-old Roman Catholic Chapel in Leigh Cemetery after setting it alight at the weekend.

The altar and front pews as well as the roof and much of the interior were detroyed at the chapel, which hadn't been used for some years.

The blaze took much of the night to control, with fire fighters still dampening down on Saturday afternoon.

The arsonists had smashed down the chapel door and piled up material by the altar to start the blaze.

Tony Bassett, Council cemeteries officer, commented: "Feelings are running high among cemeteries staff at the hooligans who did this to the chapel.

"The damage was so severe that it may need demolishing but we are waiting for a building inspector to examine the chapel thoroughly to let us know what the situation is.

"Words are not really adequate to describe the people who would do something like this in a cemetery. Everyone feels very disgusted and saddened at the mindless people who would do something like this to a chapel."

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