A WOMAN who was killed instantly when she fell from a bridge onto a motorway had been treated by six psychiatrists, an inquest heard.

Mrs Joan Morris (50) suffered from compulsory obsessive behaviour which made her fear certain words and was a patient at Fairfield Hospital.

She died after falling from the Philips Park bridge over the M62 in Whitefield on Friday.

In opening the inquest on former clerk Mrs Morris of Limefield Road, Radcliffe, coroner Mr Barrie Williams heard evidence of identification from Mr Brian Morris.

He said his wife had had six psychiatrists to help her with her obsession, which she had developed after a disability a number of years previously.

Mrs Morris would become sick if she heard words which contained certain vowels and consonants.

Mrs Morris was admitted to Fairfield Hospital last September but came home from time to time. She came home for a fortnight on January 17 and seemed to go downhill, said Mr Morris.

On Friday Mr Morris went into the kitchen leaving his wife in the living room "just staring at the wall". She had told him "things are not right".

When he returned she had gone out and, although she occasionally enjoyed walks, Mr Morris became concerned and rang the hospital and the police after searching the neighbourhood in his car.

Motorway police later informed him that his wife had fallen from the motorway bridge. Mr Williams adjourned the hearing for further reports.

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