A RECRUITMENT drive has begun to strengthen the team of hospital chaplaincy visitors in Blackburn.

The Rev Ronnie Clark, Church of England chaplain in Blackburn, has appealed for people to spare a couple of hours a week.

Chaplaincy visitors were established more than seven years ago in Blackburn hospitals. They are expected to make a commitment of one regular session each week which lasts about three hours.

Chaplaincy visitors, who are allocated to a specific ward, have to work alongside the staff and under the direction of the chaplains.

Mr Clark said: "Admission to hospital, whether it be of a routine or an acute nature, can have a profound effect upon people.

"It can provide people with an opportunity to consider their attitudes to life in general and their relationships, outlook, values and beliefs.

"Because of their unique and confidential role, the chaplains are often the persons to whom the patients and staff turn for help, advice or just a welcome and available ear."

Each chaplaincy visitor will have to undergo seven weeks' training.

For more information call Hillary Pickup at Queen's Park Hospital on 01254 687136.

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