PLANS to extend Accrington bail hostel have been approved despite fears that they could lead to more local crime.

The development will increase the number of people at Highfield Hostel in Lydia Street from 18 to 22, Hyndburn development services committee heard.

The plan, which will create new bedrooms, a tutorial area, a kitchen and dining area, was agreed on condition that three trees are planted for each one felled to make room for the green-belt development.

Coun Clifford Westell, who abstained from voting, said he was not against probation hostels but Highfield Hostel was located in the wrong area.

He said: "While you say there will be only four more residents, the logic is inescapable that the more residents you have there the bigger the chance there is of misdemeanour. As a near neighbour of Highfield Hostel, I have to say there is an excellent warden and I have never experienced any aggro from them. "People do say there are house break-ins and drug-taking, but that I have found is untrue.

"While there are people in residence in the hostel, they are taking methadone to get off the drugs. There are certainly no hard drugs or soft drugs being admitted there."

Coun Bill Goldsmith, a local JP, said: "As magistrates, we have to send some of our clients who require these services out of the area to Blackburn and sometimes Preston and Manchester because of the need for placement.

"While I agree it could have been placed in a better area, it is where it is and there is a need, and there are no relevant reasons why we can refuse."

Councillors had previously refused permission because of the loss of trees in the grounds of the detached building.

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