AN INQUEST into the death of a 21-year-old man has been adjourned while specialist toxicology tests are carried out.

East Lancashire coroner David Smith told the hearing into the death of Lee Sumner, of Rosegrove Lane, Burnley, that a post mortem examination to establish a cause of death had not been conclusive. Samples have been sent to Manchester Royal Infirmary for analysis.

The inquest was told that Mr Sumner had been found dead in his home on February 2 after his landlord could not get into the property and forced the door open. "It would appear he had been dead for some considerable time," said Mr Smith.

Mr Sumner's father, Steven Sumner, of Redruth Street, Burnley, told the hearing that he had last seen his son at the end of November.

He knew his son had injected heroin "from time to time" and had been admitted to hospital after taking weedkiller. Lee had also needed hospital treatment after jumping from the motorway bridge over Carr Road, Nelson, and had seen a psychiatrist.

Mr Smith adjourned the inquest at Burnley Magistrates Court until the results of the test were known. He said it could take around four weeks.

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