THE outcome of a strike ballot among lecturers at Accrington and Rossendale College was expected to be announced later today.

A "yes" vote would trigger indefinite strike action at the college from February 18.

The lecturers' union NATFHE is calling for the reinstatement of senior history teacher and NATFHE branch secretary Pat Walsh, who was made redundant by the college before Christmas.

A union spokesperson said: "The feeling on the ground is that we have got a 'yes' vote but we appreciate it's difficult times for everybody and there's a lot of fear in the college."

Ballot papers went out to more than 100 branch members, who are full-time lecturers at the college.

There are around the same number of part-time lecturers who are members of the branch, but were not balloted because they are self- employed.

If there is "yes" vote, the union hopes the part-timers will support the action and is looking at ways of helping them.

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