OUTRAGED parents collected a 100-name petition in half an hour in protest at a decision to release an alleged child molester on bail.

Phillip Day, 53, of Ivinson Road, Darwen, was arrested before Christmas and charged with a series of offences involving children.

But police released him on conditional bail after he was charged and magistrates at his case's preliminary hearings have agreed to extend the conditional bail.

Now mothers living close by fear he could be free for months while they wait for his case to be heard at crown court.

Day, who has been accused of four counts of indecency and two indecent assaults, involving four different children, has been bailed on condition that he does not approach his alleged victims or their families.

A mother said: "I can't believe that somebody facing such serious charges can be allowed to stay free by the court.

"We collected 100 names for our petition in just half an hour because the feeling among local people is so strong."

Mr Day was released on bail until February 28 after his latest appearance before Blackburn magistrates yesterday.

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