THERE will be a friendly welcome for Calderstones residents when they move into a plush area of Burnley - from neighbours on one side of the fence at least.

Members of Ightenhill Methodist Church today sprung to the defence of the four patients with learning difficulties who will be moving into the £140,000 Padiham Road bungalow, next door to the chapel.

Other neighbours have said they are seeking legal advice in a bid to stop the residents moving in and have described their coming as a possible time bomb waiting to explode.

But chapel minister the Rev Keith Richardson says neither he nor the 150 members of his church wish to be associated with that view.

"We take entirely the opposite and members of the church are very upset that we might be linked with the hostile response from some people in the neighbourhood," he said. He added: "We are looking forward to welcoming them into the community where they belong," he added.

Mr Richardson said he had first-hand knowledge of a similar home for people with learning difficulties, set up in his former ministry in Nelson.

"They proved no trouble at all and we developed an extremely good relationship with them.

"There is simply nothing to fear," he said.

A spokesman for Calderstones NHS Trust, which will be providing discreet 24-hour support for the residents, said similar homes had been set up for clients in the community and had all been successful.

She added the residents would be throwing a housewarming party for neighbours.

Mr Richardson said: "If that is the case, I just hope we are invited."

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