RED tape could mean Blackburn Rovers fans having to wait until March to see £2.75 million Polish international Marek Citko wearing a blue and white shirt.

That's how long it could take for the club to obtain a work permit for the 22-year-old, even though there should not be any added complications. Rovers have already made their application for the permit and hope to wrap up the actual transfer during the next week. But Citko will be unable to play for the club until a work permit has been approved.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Employment explained the problems with the time factor. "We try to process the applications as quickly as possible, but it can take from four to six weeks," she said. "The standard we try to achieve is 20 working days (four weeks) but it can depend on other things. In the case of professional footballers, we have to contact other footballing bodies such as the FA, the PFA and the Premier League.

"We are not the only ones who have to consider the application. It can take a few weeks and we depend on them to get back to us with their views as quickly as possible."

Rovers will no doubt urge the football authorities to treat the application with some urgency. And Citko should not have any problems qualifying.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.