A HORRIFIED pensioner looked on helplessly as her 88-year-old husband was kicked to the floor and spat on by youths who burst into the couple's home.

Four youths smashed through the front door of Norah and Harold Wood's house in the Audley Range area of Blackburn at 7.30pm last night.

Harold, who suffers from heart trouble, suffered severe bruising to his head and Norah was hit as she tried to protect him.

The elderly couple were spat on as the intruders tried to search their home.

The four youths left without stealing anything but detectives have issued an urgent appeal for help in tracking them down.

Norah revealed that youths tried to force their way into the couple's home last Wednesday but she didn't tell her husband because she didn't want to worry him.

Harold was treated by a paramedic at his home following last night's incident.

He said: "I managed to stay in the doorway to make sure they couldn't get right into the house but they literally kicked me to the floor. "The police were marvellous when they came and I can't thank them enough for what they have done."

Norah said: "The door was bashed open at about 7.30 last night. When we went out to see what was going on, they kicked Harold to the floor and hit me."

Police are hunting for four Asian youths in connection with the attack. At least two were aged 16 and around 5ft 8in tall. One was wearing white trousers.

Detective Inspector Mick Gradwell of Blackburn CID said: "This is a very cowardly attack and we would ask the residents in that area to come forward and identify the youths responsible."

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