DEFIANT Turf Moor skipper Nigel Gleghorn has warned Burnley's Second Division rivals: 'Write us off at your peril.'

Burnley's promotion hopes were dealt a hefty blow as the Clarets crashed to a shock 2-1 defeat to strugglers York City at Turf Moor.

Gleghorn said: "There are still enough good players in the dressing room at Burnley to get this club back into the First Division.

"There is a lot of quality here but we need more of a fighting edge to scrap for results.

"If we are going to win things it is no use just beating the Burys and Lutons of this world and expecting to go up. We have to beat teams like York.

"The destiny of the club this season is down to us. We need to be positive in our attitude out on the field in the last 15 games. "I can't really put my finger on what has gone wrong lately. Sometimes you need a little bit of luck and that seems to have deserted us at present."

"You can do everything you want in terms of preparation on the training ground but once you come up against another side you've got to be positive with yourself and to be positive with your team-mates.

"In any season you have certain games when perhaps eight or nine are on their game and you carry two.

"But we seem to blow hot and cold. We 've had super performances like Bury when everybody played their part while at the weekend there were a few players trying their very hardest but it didn't come off for them.

"That happens to everybody in all walks of life. It is not just footballers. Everybody has a bad day at the office.

"I've played for 12 or 13 years as a professional and I do understand the fans' frustrations. They are frustrated and so are we. "I'm a football fan myself and I can understand what goes on. But we need to improve our consistency as a team.

"The same sort of thing happened to me at Stoke City but we rolled our sleeves up and got on with the job."

York's victory meant that Alan Little's men became the first side this season to record a league double over the Clarets. Gleghorn added: "We've got to show our strength of character now and bounce back from this defeat.

"The main thing is that we've got to improve our overall level of consistency, week in and week out.

"I didn't think that we deserved to lose to York, even though it wasn't a classic performance.

"We just need a win from somewhere. It doesn't matter how we get it. We just need a result."

Burnley's first team squad are having a short mid-season break at Keele University.

"We are just re-grouping and keeping the lads together for a couple of days," said manager Adrian Heath. "This sort of exercise helps morale." The Clarets' players were booked in a for a session of paint-ball in Staffordshire this afternoon followed by a golf day tomorrow.

Bournemouth have announced that they will NOT be able to provide any terrace accommodation to Burnley fans at Dean Court. 800 seats only. £8.50 (Adults), £4.50 (conc). All pay on the turnstiles.

Burnley's B team defeated Bury 4-0 at Gawthorpe while the A team lost 4-1 at Wrexham.

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