A TOURISM chief has urged council bosses to join forces with other town halls in a scheme to promote Lancashire hill country.

Ribble Valley Council are being urged to rejoin the Lancashire Hill Country Consortium by county tourism chairman Roy Lewis.

The plea follows comments made by Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans in the House of Commons about the importance of the tourist trade to Lancashire's economy.

Ribble Valley caused a storm of protest when it pulled out of the consortium, which includes Hyndburn, Blackburn, Burnley and Rossendale councils.

Ribble Valley stands at the centre of some of the most picturesque areas in Lancashire but, along with Pendle Council, it refuses to take part in the consortium to save money. Roy Lewis said: "Lancashire County Council recognises the importance of tourism to the local economy as a creator of jobs.

"The success of tourism in Lancashire is largely due to a key word - partnership."

He added: "Mr Evans sees the benefits of proper marketing and his area could see even better promotion if he encouraged the council to rejoin Lancashire Hill Country Con-sortium."

The tourism industry in Lancashire was recently given a boost when a Government grant of £7.5 million was awarded under the Government's Single Regeneration Bid.

The money will be used to fund a variety of schemes organised by a partnership of 40 agencies and organisations.

The initiative, spearheaded by Lancashire Enterprises, the North West Tourist Board and the county council, hopes to bring an extra £30 million into the county over the next seven years.

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