LECTURERS have voted for all-out strike action which could disrupt Accrington and Rossendale College.

Members of the lecturers' union NATFHE elected to halt work in a ballot at the Sandy Lane site, Accrington, on Friday.

But the result was so close that the strike will have to receive the official endorsement of the NATFHE branch.

Staff will stop work from February 18 if the strike goes ahead.

A NATFHE spokeswoman said more than 90 lecturers had voted in the ballot.

She said: "We got a yes vote, but it was a close thing.

"The branch needs to officially endorse the strike and we will also need approval from our head office in London. But we have won and we are feeling positive."

NATFHE is calling for the reinstatement of senior history lecturer Pat Walsh, who was made redundant by the college before Christmas. The spokeswoman said the ballot was not just about the personal plight of Mr Walsh, but about maintaining the "clout of the unions."

Part-time lecturers did not take part in the ballot as they are self-employed, but NATFHE is confident that they will still provide strong support for their cause.

"We have had massive support from the part-timers throughout the ballot," the spokeswoman added.

An executive meeting of NATFHE members will take place on Wednesday with a final decision on a strike likely following a full branch meeting at the Sandy Lane site on Thursday.

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