I WAS pleased to read (LET, January 30) that the Defence Secretary Michael Portillo has at last found time to tour British Aerospace at Samlesbury. It was, however, disappointing that he chose to turn his visit to the Ribble Valley into a party political exercise.

Mr Portillo's claim that Labour's proposed defence review was "merely a prelude to a major round of defence cuts" is a claim which I refute as being without any foundation.

He has failed to undertake a serious review of Britain's security interests and defence needs since the end of the Cold War, unlike almost all other comparable countries.

At the same time, he has made large cuts to the British defence budget which has been cut by more than a quarter in real terms.

The Tories have presided over massive job losses and in the last decade there has also been an estimated reduction of some 155,000 in jobs dependent on defence expenditure. (source: House of Commons library and Tri-Service Personnel Statistics).

Labour will support Lancashire's defence industry as an economic and a strategic asset, ensuring that it continues to provide high quality military equipment to UK armed forces.

MARCUS JOHNSTONE, prospective Labour candidate, Ribble Valley, Scott Park Road, Burnley.

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