FRENCH-born Regine Simpson has become a saving group's first employee.

Soaring membership increased pressure on the band of volunteers who run Nelson Community Credit Union to the point where they needed to employ someone to help collect money and keep thecomputer records.

The part-time post has gone to Regine, a trained secretary, also well-known as secretary of Burnley Twinning Association. Burnley is twinned with Vitry-Sur-Seine, near Paris, where she was born.

Regine got to know East Lancashire during exchange visits when she was a teenager.

Almost as soon as she had finished her studies in France, she decided Burnley was the place for her and set up home in the area.

She met husband Hugh and now the couple and their son Sebastian live in Barrowford.

Regine has for some years been a volunteer worker with the credit union, which encourages thrift via saving and offering low-cost loans to members.

She said: "I am thoroughly enjoying my work for the credit union and am proud to have been chosen to do the job."

The union's board stress that despite the appointment of an employee, it is still basically a volunteer organisation and will continue to be for the forseeable future.

The union, which is the biggest and longest-established in East Lancashire, will be holding its annual meeting at the Social Centre in Vaughan Street, Nelson.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.