WHEN is something going to be done about the Lodge of Gawthorpe Hall in Burnley Road, Padiham. This is the only building with any character on the roadside going to Burnley.

The other Lodge is beautifully kept, and is surely kept in excellent repair as part of Gawthorpe Hall and our heritage.

Every time I go past, another window has been smashed; another window boarded up. There must be someone who would like to do it up and live there. It is too good a building just to be allowed to become derelict and an eyesore due to neglect.

Gawthorpe belongs to the National Trust and Nelson College - people who ought to set an example in caring for these buildings and assets to our community. So what's the problem?

MARY FLETCHER (Mrs), Higham Hall Road, Higham, Burnley.

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