MENINGITIS can be stopped if it is detected early enough. It is essential all parents know the signs and realise it isn't just something that happens to younger children.

I was sixteen.

Early symptoms can easily be mistaken for influenza. Catching them early enough can mean the difference between life and death.

The illness may progress over one or two days, but it can develop quickly. Sometimes in just a few hours the patient will become seriously ill.

Symptoms include:

High temperature

Dislike of bright lights


Severe or violent headaches


Neck stiffness

Dislike of bright lights

Drowsiness or lethargy

Joint pains


Babies, with the disease, would refuse feed, have a high-pitched moaning cry, would be fretful, have a pale and blotchy complexion and a blank and staring expression.

Anyone of any age can contract meningitis. The clear message, then, is to be on your guard and know the symptoms.

If in doubt call your GP. It could be the difference between life and death.

For more information, or if you have any worries, you can call the National Meningitis Trust on 01453-751738.

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