LESLIE Jones's views on defence (Letters, June 13) were typical pacifist propaganda, similar to that of those loonies of the Peace Pledge Union and the Oxford Group Movement of pre-1945 days who, along with the League of Nations, attempted to create a worldwide disarmament programme.

This left the West defenceless and allowed Germany, Japan and Italy to to arm up to the hilt.

Britain was, with one arm tied behind its back, virtually defenceless.

Nobody wants a war but we must be prepared to defend our country!

In 1945, I and thousands more were preparing to attack mainland Japan. Luckily we had the atomic bomb.

It saved thousands of lives of the Western forces and of the Japanese by ending the war.

We must, Mr Jones, have a deterrent to defend ourselves. It would be nice if we could do without a police force, would it not?

B BIRCH (MR), Rudyard Drive, Spring Vale, Darwen.

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