A COLLECTION of 200 dolls, some from across the world, attracted the crowds to a church bric-a-brac sale.

The unusual collection was gathered by the late Gladys Taylor of Nelson, who was a life-long member of St Mary's Church in the town.

When she died earlier this year it was decided that the dolls should be sold to raise money for church funds.

On Saturday, the massive collection went on display in the church hall, adding an unusual twist to the traditional church jumble sale and lunch.

Church warden and treasurer Tom Fryer said: "The dolls were collected over 40 years.

"Miss Taylor was connected with the church all her life. She was a Sunday School teacher and a member of the choir. "The dolls were part of her estate and because she had had such a long-standing connection with the church it was felt fitting that they should be sold to raise money for St Mary's.

"There were all sorts of dolls of all shapes and sizes from all over the place. Her nephew was in the Merchant Navy and he used to bring them back for her from all over the world. It was a very varied collection."

Around 30 of the dolls were sold on Saturday, helping towards the total of £285 raised on the day for church funds. The remaining dolls will go on sale at future events.

"It was rather unusual and it certainly attracted people to the event," added Mr Fryer.

"A lot of people came especially to see the dolls. It's a shame to see the collection broken up but I think it would have been a minor miracle to find someone who wanted the whole lot and who had could afford to buy them all."

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