SO Pendle Council's Policy Committee is to discuss the possibility of parish councils for Nelson and Colne (LET, October 13).

Nelson and Colne, like Barrowford and Brierfield, are not parishes and never will be. Furthermore, these areas already have three councillors for each ward, while rural areas have just one councillor for each village.

People in rural areas pay more Council Tax proportionately because their houses are rated far higher than those of comparable size in towns.

Facilities like parks and playgrounds in towns are run and paid for by Pendle as a whole.

Village facilities are, in some cases, provided by Pendle, or by grants, but footpaths and rights of way, are mainly rural concerns and need to be dealt with by local parish councils.

Pendle took a step backwards when it split its planning committee into 'Western area parishes' and so on.

The whole impetus - discussion, getting approval or otherwise - is not reported and does not get the publicity or impact it deserves.

Our countryside is rapidly changing. Farms are split and the houses and buildings converted to dwellings. Footpaths, rights of way, and bridleways, are being closed without any of the statutory rules being observed.

Pendle appears to have neither say nor interest in these matters and the county council can delay and delay any decision until they think we have all forgotten.

A letter from our MP, Gordon Prentice, says that a review was done of paths in 1994. We have a bridleway, closed from 1987, where a decision is still awaited.

So, please, let parishes have their ancient and traditional values and duties kept where they belong - in rural areas. Support their causes, because they guard our inheritance for future generations.

M FLETCHER, Higham Hall Road, Higham.

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