EVER fancied piloting a sledge down an ice track at speeds of more than 80 mph?

Aerospace bosses in East Lancashire are looking for a brave soul to join a trip of a lifetime and win the chance to compete for Britain.

Last year, Eifion Salisbury from Blackburn and Gary Tyne from Clitheroe took part in a training week on a similar trip.

Bob skeleton is a sport which involves steering a sledge head first down a bob track, with your chin just inches from the ice and experiencing up to five G-force!

The training week, organised by the British Bob Skeleton Association in conjunction with British Aerospace, aims to introduce novices to the sport and hopefully find a future team member of the British team.

Kristan Bromley, a BAe employee from Cowpe, Rossendale, took up the sport two years ago and came eighth at last year's Bob Skeleton World Cup at La Plagne in the French Alps.

Kristan is one of two BAe designers who developed a revolutionary new sled for the team. A total of 22 have now been designed from scratch by British Aerospace for the bob skeleton team.

There is one place on the training week available to a Lancashire Evening Telegraph reader. To apply, entrants should be athletic, have driving ability to understand the best race lines to take and be aged between 20 and 30.

Applicants should submit 50-100 words on why they should be selected for the week in January to Jan Holland, BBSKA, 111, Summerfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.