BURNLEY man Peter Cavaney is asking Home Secretary Jack Straw to untangle red tape so that he can be reunited with his wife and the baby daughter he has not yet seen.

Last month, Peter, 69, was overjoyed to hear that his Filipino bride Maria Teresa, 33, was to be granted a visa so that she and new-born Pearl could join him at his home in Kingsland Grove, off Hufling Lane.

She was originally refused a visa when an entrance clearance officer said he was not satisfied that she intended to live with him permanently as his wife.

With the help of Burnley MP Peter Pike he fought the decision and last month was told it had been reversed following changes in the immigration rules and that entry clearance had been issued.

He was warned to expect possible delays in the issuing of the baby's passport but that happened much quickly than expected.

Mr Cavaney said: "There is no reason why the visa should not be issued and why my wife and child should not join me within days.

"But I spoke to her this week and she has heard nothing.''

Mr Cavaney said he had faxed copies of the letter giving clearance for the visa to the relevant offices in Hong Kong and Manila but nothing had happened.

He said: "There has been no communication with me or my wife.

"In my view they are just saying they will make me wait. They are out of order. ''

He added: "I have been to the immigration office at Manchester and they have told me the visa should have been granted by now.

"As Home Secretary, Jack Straw is the only person who can sort this out.

"All it needs is one telephone call from him.''

In a letter to the Home Secretary, Peter asked: "How much longer have I to wait to be reunited with my wife and child?''

Mr Pike took up the case on Mr Cavaney's behalf and says the case was extremely badly handled by the Foreign Office and Home Office.

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