For a number of weeks now elements of the local press have ben very critical of the ruling Labour Group at Lancaster Council. I do not wish to complain about this, it is after all the right of a free press to criticise as they see fit. Elements of the press have reminded their readers that elections are on the way. I have taken this to mean that if people are unhappy with the way the Labour Group is running the council they can express this through the ballot box. Again I do not wish to complain, rather I welcome any encouragement for people to use their democratic right to vote. I am writing to remind the editors of the local press that there have been 5 by-elections since 1995 in which the Labour Party has gained two seats, one each from the Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, and held two seats, those vacated by our new MP's Hilton Dawson and Geraldine Smith. The Conservatives have held the seat that was vacated by the the former Conservative leader, Vera Kirby. In light of these results I find it difficult to see the proof of the discontent certain elements of the local press claim we have stirred up in the way we have run the council. In terms of the conduct of local parties at these elections I find myself confused. When I stood for Heysham South in 1995, the Morecambe Bay Independents fought their campaign on a platform of a better deal for the area formerly bounded by the old Morecambe Council. In recent elections, and most notably the Ellel by-election there was no mention of this platform and Morecambe Bay seems to have disappeared from their name. This is either a fundamental policy shift, in which case they have deceived people who voted for them and should resign and re-stand for their seats, or political opportunism of the worst sort. I do not believe the way to gain trust is to try to be all things to be all people. That road leads to broken promises and the discrediting of the political process. (Morecambe Bay) Independents take note.

Cllr Richard


Heysham South.

Most of the criticism has come from readers i.e. voters - not the Press. If you think there is no discontent then fair enough but to me your comments sound like something the Tories trotted out when their term was in its death throes - Ed.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.