I reply to the letter in last weeks Citizen from MBI spokesman Geoff Wilson.

The question remains, did Cllr Geoff Knight mislead the voters of Alexandra ward? I suggest he did. 77 votes were were gained by a candidate who did not put out one leaflet or run any campaign. Secondly, was this because he is naive or that he deliberately tried to confuse some of the electorate. I don't think he's naive. I think most people would see this as a deliberate attempt to confuse the electorate.

Evasion and excuses are not enough. Cllr Knight or Cllr Tricia Heath should make a public apology to the electorate who could have been misled and the 77 who were. If this is not forthcoming the MBI and its leaders condemn themselves for, at best, sowing confusion, at worst a deliberate attempt to subvert the will of the electorate.

Cllr Trevor Tattersall,

Labour Election Agent.

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