WE are alarmed at the loss of three tutors jobs at Lancashire College, Chorley, a decision that will remove a hundred per cent of the non-management full-time teaching staff and increase management posts to 36 per cent of total staff. This is not a 'staffing review' but an attack on teachers.

It is likely that the proposed cuts at the Adult College, Lancaster, will be even more severe unless all those who support and are committed to the College and its present broad curriculum take action to prevent them.

We are today launching a campaign to ensure that the provision of courses at the College is maintained at its present level and to save the jobs of tutors.

We call on everyone who cares about the College, including past and present students, trades unionists and former employees to join the campaign. They can make a vital contribution by writing to their local MPs, their county councillors and to David Blunkett MP, Secretary of State for Education.

Julian Holt,

Branch Chair


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