ON 9th November 1997 it will be Remembrance Sunday and I am asking everyone who lives in the Lancaster district to remember all who died for their country in the two world wars and in other conflicts throughout the world.

On this special Sunday, please remember not only those who gave their lives, but those who were injured, and especially the Royal British Legion. We should not forget the work they do all year round for the dependants of those who died and for the ex-service men and women who have serious injuries and need continuing care. Today British service men and women are skilfully playing a vital role as part of the United Nations peace keeping force in Bosnia and providing security in other parts of the world. They are constantly defending the freedoms kept and won by earlier generations. The Poppy Appeal will be there for them and their families when they leave the forces and need support just as it is now for the veterans of other wars and previous conflicts.

Please give generously to the Royal British Legion Poppy Day Appeal.

Hilda Shuttleworth,

Mayor of Lancaster

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