I WOULD like to make readers aware of the effect of recent changes to the NHS rules about patient registration with dentists. From December, NHS regulations will cause hundreds of patients in the area to be unknowingly de-registered. The last Government reduced the period for which patients are registered to 15 months and the British Dental Association wants this Government to restore it to 24 months, before registration lapses.

Only registered patients are entitled to routine work and emergency care on the NHS. The BDA is very concerned that once patients are automatically taken off a dentist's list, they may find it difficult to re-register with an NHS dentist. Anyone who hasn't visited his or her dentist in the past year should do so as soon as possible. Readers may wish to write to their MP to urge them to support the BDA's callfor a change in the registration period.

DR ANTHONY KRAVITZ, Chair, General Dental Services Committee, British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8AL.

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