TWELVE months ago little Natasha Roberts could barely do a cartwheel in the back garden. Now she's capable of performing somersaults on a bar just four inches wide.

And such has been her improvement that she's been called up to the British Gymnastic Squad's school of excellence at Lilleshall. It's the reward for the hours of dedication for 10-year-old Natasha, from Clock Face.

She trains at the Warrington Centre for Gymnastics for 30 hours a week -more when she's on holiday from St Theresa's Junior School.

Her coach, Sandi Gore, said: "Natasha is a very talented gymnast and has learnt to compete at the highest standard in a very short time.

"She competed in the National age groups in which she performed a somersault on a beam four inches wide."

Now Natasha is ranked as one of the top 20 gymnasts of her age in the country.

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