A £1 MILLION investment at Hesketh Fletcher High School has been welcomed by headteacher Don Vickers.

Investment at the Church of England deanery school now offers huge opportunities for a better education, in both traditional ways and for those seeking a Christian ethos.

Already the school has taken possession of a magnificent new sports hall which Mr. Vickers described as "a major asset not only to our pupils but to the community generally."

He praised the sports hall which has been built to Sports Council standards, having a Granwood sprung floor which makes it one of the best playing surfaces available in the area.

Two new classrooms and a Drama Studio have also been handed over by builders and the second phase, which includes a new learning centre and six classrooms to be used for technology, IT and graphics will be in use before Christmas.

And to show off its new, proud status, the school is throwing open its doors to all prospective parents and pupils at 6.30pm on Tuesday, November 4 for an open Evening when they can inspect what the school has to offer.

"For the past five years we have been over-subscribed, having an intake of around 200 pupils a year rather than the planned 186, and with our new Deanery status at Hesketh Fletcher we expect to receive even more requests which governors and I will be sensitive to. And more work is planned at the school which will see even further changes in the future. I am delighted with what we are doing."

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