A SCHOOLGIRL was lucky to escape with her life when a stolen car careered out of control into her - catapulting the girl seven foot into the air.

The 12-year-old was dealt a glancing blow by the out-of-control car which knocked her 20ft down an alleyway.

Remarkably the girl, who has not been identified, suffered only grazing and bruising.

Police are hunting the car thieves who sped away from the scene leaving the screaming schoolgirl injured on the ground.

The girl was struck by the stolen car as she was playing with friends close to her Leigh home. The car thief lost control of the car as he was trying to escape from the car's owner who was chasing after his vehicle.

The girl was hit in a side entry off Glebe Street, Leigh, by the hit and run driver with such impact that her trainers were sent hurtling separately into an adjacent garden.

The thief was trying to escape in the white Honda Accord, at the time of the accident on Friday night.

The car's owner had spotted his car while he was in another vehicle on Kirkhall Lane, Leigh. He gave chase but was unable to keep up with the thieves, fearing for the safety of his passengers - his wife and daughter.

However, as the stolen car entered Glebe Street, adjacent to the Royal British Legion, it turned sharply, hitting a wall, slowing the vehicle down. It then shot across Glebe Street and into the side entrance leading into the back of Windermere Road, where the 12-year-old girl was playing. The thieves in the stolen car managed to escape.

Police are appealing for witnesses to contact them on 0161 872 5050.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.