PRIORY High School in Penwortham, Preston, played host to religious leaders from churches, mosques and other places of worship.

But it wasn't a multi-faith celebration, it was the National Religious Education Festival.

The school hosted the week-long programme and invited youngsters from nearby primary schools to join in.

The younger children presented an exhibition of their work in RE while the older ones from Year 10 led art, dance, drama and games workshops.

Headteacher Peter Young said: "Religious Education in schools now obviously has a Christian bias to it, but part of what's taught is an appreciation of some of the leading religions in the world. "Children will come into contact with representatives of different religions throughout their school life."

During the week, youngsters listened to talks by various religious leaders as well as a Buddhist monk who explained how he prayed. Priory High School has mainly Christian pupils, around 15 per cent are Hindus and there are a few Moslems and Jews. The event provided youngsters with the chance to learn more about each others' method of worship..

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