DO you have old family photos taken in Avenham or Miller Parks stashed away in your attic?

If so, it's time to dig them out because you could hold the key to missing parts of the town's heritage.

The council is submitting a bid for Lottery cash to return the two town centre parks to their former glory.

But first it needs to find out exactly what they were like when created 130 years ago.

And to do that the council's landscape team needs all the information it can get - including a copy of the 1860s design prepared by the landscape architect Edward Milner.

A spokesperson for the council explained: "Avenham and Miller Parks are important elements of Preston's heritage and are recognised as having both local and national importance.

"The council's landscape team has already gathered a substantial amount of background information about the heritage of the parks, however there are still a few pieces of the jigsaw missing."

Anyone with photos, historic documents, or any details of interest about the parks, should contact principal landscape architect Kath Barnes on 01772 906547.

Kath would also like to hear from any individuals, companies, or other organisations interested in sponsoring particular elements of the refurbishment work.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.