FOOTBALL kits - every soccer lover wants one and many would do anything to get their hands on the latest in fashion items.

But how many supporters actually sit back and think about who designs the shirts they wear - it could well have been Armani for all they know.

Well if you're sat reading this in the latest Preston kit then you might want to know exactly who is responsible for the shirt on your back.

Steve White is North End's Commercial Director, and among his many responsibilities, including managing the club's Internet site, corporate hospitality, programmes and many more, he has a hands-on role in designing every item of clothing in the clubshop.

And what's more, the 38-year-old has high hopes for the club's own brand KIT - which, with the board's backing, will be sold to other Football League clubs over the next few years.

The avid North End fan said quality, value for money, and what people want would always be top of his list and admitted that ideas for fashion could come from a lot of sources.

Steve, who was born and bred in Leyland, said: "One of the age groups using the clubshop the most is 16 to 35. We've to see what's happening on the streets for those people.

"We've looked at shops on the high street, dance cultures and so on. We have to be aware of the influence big bands like Oasis have on people and reflect those in our products.

"We don't want people just to be wearing a replica football shirt, we want them to be able to wear our clothes in the pub, at the club etc."

Steve is already hard at work designing next season's new kit. For details on any Preston North End products call the clubshop on 902040.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.