I THINK Xanadu is the best thing that could happen to Leigh, it will benefit the community as a whole.

What have we got in Leigh that is worth shouting about? Nothing. People of Leigh should be proud to have the opportunity of Xanadu.

It will provide employment and entertainment for the people of Leigh and the surrounding areas. What have we got in Leigh now except bingo and pubs?

Just think of the employment it will create, not only in Xanadu itself, but in all the spin-off jobs it will create.

Don't let these outsiders spoil it for us. They didn't see the lengthy queues of people at the Jobcentre waiting to fill in applications for Sainsbury's, most of whom were disappointed.

It will provide entertainment for you, your children - young and old - in the wide variety of complimentary activities planned.

People of Leigh don't let this fantastic opportunity slip through your fingers, write to your councillors, your MPs, your newspapers. Let London have its Millennium Dome, let Leigh have something to be proud of, let it be Xanadu.

Irene Seddon

Sovereign Fold Road


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