HIV and AIDS workers are urging women to get tested for the illness at a new base in Preston.

Figures show there are more than 30 people in Preston who are HIV positive, including many women and a small number of children.

Now confidential testing and counselling is available every Monday morning at the Well Women Centre on New Hall Lane, Preston.

The first session took place this Monday (Oct 13) but nobody turned up. Health advisors are urging women not to be complacent. Glynis Tapley, who works at Royal Preston Hospital's Genito-Urinary Clinic, said: "Many women still have the idea that HIV is a 'gay man's disease' but the message is there are cases among Preston women.

"More people are getting tested before committing themselves to a long-term relationship, and each year one or two more in Preston find they test positive.

"We are pushing our service in the community to encourage people to come forward as some find it traumatic to go to the hospital."

The test involves taking a small blood sample, around two teaspoonsful, with results following the week after. Counselling plays a major part throughout the service.

The Well Women Centre is also offering aromatherapy and massage every Thursday between 10am and noon from November 6. For details on all the services available telephone 01772 702397.

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