RESIDENTS battling to halt plans for a mental home to be established in Penwortham, Preston, have made an emotional plea to a national organisation for help.

The Zito Trust - set up by the wife of a man killed by a madman - says two people are killed every month by mental patients.

Now residents by the site of a proposed mental home, Meadowcroft in Pope Lane near Penwortham, are calling on Mrs Zito to help them block a scheme to house up to 44 schizophrenics there.

Kath Collinge who has lived in the area for 30 years has approached the Trust for advice and is hoping Jayne Zito will be able to attend the action group's next meeting.

Neighbour Carol Ainley said: "They could put anyone in there and we wouldn't know.

"I'm wondering whether Ian Brady is going to be moved in quietly."

Carol, a grandmother and former mental nurse, said she had been assured no patients with personality disorders, such as paedophiles, would be accepted there, but added: "Patients are re-categorised every five minutes."

She and husband Keith are the only residents who have visited Meadowcroft and met with project leader Richard Newton.

Keith said: "There will be two security men in a glass booth who will answer enquiries, but there will be no-one walking the grounds."

Mr Newton said patients - including schizophrenics, manic depressives and those detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 - would be kept inside by security fencing and monitored by closed circuit TV. He said: "It's more likely you will be killed going out on the town than by one of our clients. It's a statistical fact."

The home - within walking distance of four schools and a nursery - is due to open next spring.

A spokesperson for Lancashire County Council said: "We have not received an application for the registration of a care facility."

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