THERE were tears, surprises and soccer stories galore when the Dick Kerrs Ladies got together 80 years after first forming.

Preston author Gail Newsham launched her book In a League of their Own about the ground-breaking women who challenged taboos to play football all over the world.

Gail said: "The teams achieved great things and were a phenomenon despite being banned by the Football Association. Their story needed to be told."

The players, mainly from Preston, met up at PNE where it all began to relive the old camaraderie and join voices for a sing song.

Joan Burke, known as Titch, was just 14 when she started playing. The pensioner said: "The ball was so heavy and tough. Heading one was like running into a brick wall."

Former goalie Dorothy Whalley agreed and said: "We had to play in farmers' fields full of tufts of earth. You could break your ankle kicking one of those.

"Laces had be clean white. We even had to keep our underwear on in the showers in case there were peeping toms!"

Tomboy Joan Whalley, Dorothy's sister, was a star player for almost 20 years and used to kick a ball around Waverley Park with legend Tom Finney.

Joan said: "Tom came to our house one day with his arm in a sling. I asked how he was going to play football but he said there was no problem as there was nothing wrong with his legs!"

PNE chair Brian Gray said: "The ladies are great ambassadors for Preston. Many people ask me about the Dick Kerrs Ladies - they were well ahead of their time.

"Women's football is growing at a tremendous rate and this season, PNE has started two women's teams."

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