RESIDENTS have bombarded Burnley Council with letters objecting to a proposed pizzeria in an area where "an accident is waiting to happen".

Since a Spar mini-market opened at Pike Hill, Burnley, in a former Peugeot garage, residents say traffic has increased and access to the car park in front of the shop is difficult.

Next Thursday planners will decide whether to grant approval for a take-away in a unit attached to the Spar shop.

A 130-name petition against the plan has been received along with a scores of personal letters citing reasons why it should be thrown out.

One letter of support has been received from Spar who would be the shop's landlord. Grandfather Frank McNamara and a group of residents linked to the Neighbourhood Watch organised the petition.

Mr NcNamara, of Brownside Road, said: "People considering opening a fast food outlet ought to realise this is the fourth or fifth such application for this area and the residents have opposed each with the same uniformity.

"One, for the greengrocers, went to appeal after being refused but the council's decision was upheld.

"We know of only one person who refused to sign the petition when asked but the other 130 people did.

"There are a number of reasons for objecting. It is on an extremely difficult junction, made more difficult by traffic going into the existing Spar shop.

"It is an accident waiting to happen - whether it involves a pedestrian and a car or two cars and it will be 10 times worse if there is a takeaway.

"We strongly believe this is a very nice residential neighbourhood and the community does not want a hot food takeaway."

The applicant, Mr Mansour Rostampour, lives nearby at Applecross Drive and owns a pizza and kebab house Bibi's in Burnley town centre.

He said: "I thought It was the best thing for that area. I could not see another business being interested in the premises which are empty at the moment.

"It is really an extension of what the Spar shop provides and there are already spaces for car parking. I don't know why people don't like the idea."

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